WDDD 2004

Third Annual Workshop on Duplicating, Deconstructing, and Debunking

Munich, Germany
June 20, 2004

Held in conjunction with the 31st International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA-31)

Final Program




Introduction & Welcome


Session I:

Simulation Methodology with Panel Responses

Deconstructing and Improving Statistical Simulation in HLS

Robert H. Bell Jr., Lieven Eeckhout, Lizy K. John, and Koen De Bosschere

An Evaluation of Stratified Sampling of Microarchitecture Simulations

Roland E. Wunderlich, Thomas F. Wenisch, Babak Falsafi, and James C. Hoe

MicroLib: A Case for the Quantitative Comparison of Micro-Architecture Mechanisms

Daniel Gracia Pérez, Gilles Mouchard, and Olivier Temam

Panel of Experts

David August, Princeton

Babak Falsafi, Carnegie Mellon

Mark Oskin, Washington


Coffee Break and Discussion


Session II:

Multiple Threads and Processors

The Case of Chaotic Routing Revisited

Cruz Izu, Ramon Beivide and Jose Angel Gregorio

Debunking then Duplicating Ultracomputer Performance Claims by Debugging the Combining Switches

Eric Freudenthal and Allan Gottlieb

Multiprogramming Performance of the Pentium 4 with Hyper-Threading

James R. Bulpin and Ian A. Pratt



Conclusions and Feedback



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