Recent Talks
- Exceeding the Dataflow Limit: Test of Time Award Retrospective
Mikko Lipasti
MICRO 2017, Cambridge, MA, October 17, 2017
Slides available
- The 50B Transistor Challenge
Mikko H. Lipasti
Invited talk, 50B Transistor Workshop, IBM TJ Watson Research Center, July 2008
Slides available
- Let's Build Brains
Mikko H. Lipasti
MICRO 2007 Panel: Computing Beyond von Neumann, December 2007
Slides available
- Multicore: Panic or Panacea
Mikko H. Lipasti
Invited talk, Wind River Systems Seminar, September 2007
Slides available
- Coarse-Grained Coherence
Mikko H. Lipasti
Invited talk, Intel, August 2007
Slides available
- Lazy Logic
Mikko H. Lipasti
Invited talk, University of Toronto, July 2007
Slides available
- Advice for Graduate Engineers
Mikko H. Lipasti
Computer Engineering Seminar, Feb. 11, 2005.
Slides available
- Value Prediction: Are(n't) We Done Yet?
Mikko H. Lipasti
Keynote Address, 2nd Value Prediction Workshop, Boston, MA, October 2004.
Slides available
- Temporally Silent Stores [PDF][PS][.bib]
Kevin M. Lepak and Mikko H. Lipasti
In Proceedings of: 10th Intl. Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS-X), October 2002.
Slides available
- Avoiding Initialization Misses to the Heap [PDF][PS][.bib]
Jarrod A. Lewis, Bryan Black, and Mikko H. Lipasti
In Proceedings of: 29th International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA-29), May 2002. Slides available
Precise and Accurate Processor Simulation [PPT] [PDF]
Extended talk at Comp. Engr seminar [PPT [PDF]
Harold Cain, Kevin Lepak, Brandon Schwartz, and Mikko Lipasti
Workshop on Computer Architecture Evaluation using Commercial Workloads (CAECW),
February 2002.
Dynamic Verification of Cache Coherence Protocols [PPT] [PDF]
Jason F. Cantin, Mikko H. Lipasti, and James E. Smith
Workshop on Memory Performance Issues. June, 2001.
Power Efficient Cache Coherence [PPT] [PDF]
Craig Saldanha and Mikko H. Lipasti
Workshop on Memory Performance Issues. June, 2001.
An Architectural Evaluation of Java TPC-W [PPT] [PDF]
Harold W. Cain, Ravi Rajwar, Morris Marden, and Mikko H. Lipasti
HPCA-7 presentation. January, 2001.
Silent Stores for Free [PPT] [PDF]
Kevin M. Lepak and Mikko H. Lipasti
MICRO-2000 presentation. December, 2000.
Characterization of Silent Stores [PPT] [PDF]
Gordon B. Bell, Kevin M. Lepak, Mikko H. Lipasti
PACT-2000 presentation. October, 2000.
A Dynamic Binary Translation Approach to Architectural Simulation[PPT][PDF]
Harold W. Cain, Kevin M. Lepak, and Mikko H. Lipasti
Workshop on Binary Translation. October, 2000.
On the Value Locality of Store Insructions [PPT] [PDF]
Kevin M. Lepak and Mikko H. Lipasti
ISCA-27 presentation. June, 2000.
Trip pictures
Last Updated: Apr-12-2024 10:59:11 CDT